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Celebrating Peace Day 2019

20 September 2019

Saturday 21 September 2019 sees the 20t anniversary of Peace Day and the launch of Peace One Day’s new campaign Cyber Non-violence.

The Campaign seeks to reduce online hate speech, racism, bullying and ridicule, and aiming to increase in peaceful communication online. Peace One Day’s key objective is to ensure that people are actively taking part in peaceful activities.

Childnet are delighted to support the day, with Childnet CEO Will Gardner and two members of our youth board speaking at the London event on the day.

Young people give their views on online violence

To Celebrate Cyber Non-violence campaign Peace One Day are running two panel discussions, which focus on some of the issues facing young people online. These panels are:

  • CyberViolence: the cost of being online?
    Two of the deSHAME youth Advisory Board Members, Afua and Mohamed, are talking on this issues, answering questions about their work to tackle online sexual harassment.
  • Take a Stand, say no to Sexism and Harassment.
    Childnet CEO and UKSIC Director Will Gardner OBE is speaking on this panel looking at our work and resources within this space.

All panels throughout the day will be live-streamed via the Peace One Day Youtube channel.

What is Peace Day?

In 1999, actor turned filmmaker Jeremy Gilley set out to document his efforts to create an annual Peace Day. To this end he founded the non-profit organisation Peace One Day.

In 2001 the member states of the United Nations unanimously adopted the first ever annual day of global ceasefire and non-violence on 21 September – Peace Day.

Through initiatives and collaborations, Peace One Day continues to encourage organisations and individuals to reduce violence at home, in the workplace, at school, in our communities and towards our environment.

Peace One Day’s 20th anniversary celebration on Saturday 21 September 2019.

How can I get involved?

You can join the conversation online:

Follow Peace One Day on Facebook and Twitter . Use the hastags #peaceday #peaceoneday and #doyourpeace to join in the global conversation online.

Follow Childnet on Facebook and Twitter to see how we are celebrating the day

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