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Safer Internet Day Top Tips and Advice Pages – New for 2020

20 January 2020

The UK Safer Internet Centre has launched top tips and advice pages especially for Safer Internet Day 2020.

These pages contain tips, advice and resources to help young people and their families enjoy technology and the internet together in a safe and positive way.

Top Tips for children and young people

These pages include top tips about staying safe as well as the ways young people can express their identity online and help create an internet where everyone is free to be themselves.

The advice pages for young people are split into three age appropriate sections:

Tops tips for ages 3-7

The top tips for 3-7 year olds centre around being proud to be yourself, the things you can do online, as well as where young people can go if they need help.

Tops tips for ages 7-11

The top tips for 7-11s look at being proud to be different, respecting others and expecting respect yourself, and what they can do if they need help online.

Tops tips for ages 11-18

The top tips for 11-18s look at how young people can embrace and support difference online, as well as the way that young people can use the internet to explore and find out more information.

Tips and advice for parents and carers

Our top tips for parents and carers give advice and guidance on how to support children and young people online.

These tips are a great way to ensure that parents and carers are supporting their children and giving them the tools to stay safe and positive online. They highlight ways to have a conversation, take a balanced approach and to make use of the tools available.

There are also accompanying films and resources that parents can use to explore online safety this Safer Internet Day.

Further resources you can use

We have created Education Packs, which are tailored made for 3-7s, 7-11s, 11-14s, 14-18s and parents and carers, along with some guidance for educators. Available in English and Welsh these free packs include lesson plans, posters, presentations, activities and more!

Our Safer Internet Day films have been produced to complement the Safer Internet Day Education Packs. The films act as an extension of the packs and as such aim to be conversation starters around the topic of identity online.

To keep up to date with the latest Safer Internet Day news you can:

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