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New sexting guidance for schools released by the UK Council for Child Internet Safety

12 September 2016

Childnet has worked together with the UK Council for Child Internet Safety (UKCCIS) to develop new advice for schools and colleges about responding to sexting incidents and safeguarding young people.

The advice, Sexting in schools and colleges: Responding to incidents and safeguarding young people, is designed for designated safeguarding leads, their deputies, headteachers and senior leadership teams in schools and educational establishments in England.

What does the advice cover?

The advice covers a variety of issues, including: responding to disclosures, handling devices and imagery, risk assessing situations, involving other agencies (including escalation to the police and children’s social care), recording incidents, involving parents and preventative education.

Why has this advice been produced?

A 2016 NSPCC/Office of the Children’s Commissioner England study found that 7% of 11-16 year olds had sent a sexual image to someone else.

Although most young people aren’t creating or sharing this type of imagery, the potential risks are significant and there is considerable concern about the issue in schools and amongst parents.

The advice aims to support schools in developing safeguarding procedures to respond to incidents involving youth produced sexual imagery. It highlights key sources of resources and support that will help schools if incidents do happen.

To view the UKCCIS advice visit:

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