Safer Internet Day 2017 reached more people than ever before, with 3 million children and 2 million parents hearing about the day!
Our impact report looks at the reach of Safer Internet Day 2017 and the positive impact that it had on children, young people, parents, carers, and teachers.
There was a huge range of Safer Internet Day supporters this year, with 1,645 organisations spreading the word of the day, running activities and joining in on social media. The joint action of these supports resulted in Safer Internet Day 207 being the biggest one yet:
- The Safer Internet Day Thunderclap started the day with a reach of over 7 million, and the hashtag #SID2017 was trending all day on Twitter
- There were more than 500,00 downloads of our Safer Internet Day Education Packs
- Our Safer Internet Day video content and SID TV films had over 1 million views