We caught up with the Digital Leaders from St John Bosco Roman Catholic Primary School to find out how they are inspiring others to behave positively and safely online.
We are a one form entry school. We do the training at lunch time – 12:30 to 13:00. We have a display in the cloakroom that shows photos of each Digital Leader in Y6. It displays our SMART posters that we made in 2017 when we first became Digital Leaders. We did assemblies about online safety during Internet Safety Week. We have written a letter to parents about how they can help their children stay safe online. Now we are training some Y5s to be the new Digital Leaders next year.
We are proud of our SMART posters that we made on PicCollage on the school iPads. Each class picked a poster to display in their classroom.
We have talked about online safety with our parents, teachers, students and friends.
Our favourite thing about being Digital Leaders is knowing about and teaching ourselves and others about being safe online. We like getting badges for doing the activities.
To others schools thinking about joining the Digital Leaders Programme we would say GO FOR IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It’s so much fun.