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Youth Advisory Board


‘I have a passion for youth social action, and this role allows me to feedback the importance of online safety to other organisations I have the pleasure of working with.’

Meet Kole

Where are you from?
South Devon

What are your favourite things to do online?
I love sharing impactful youth social action stories from myself, and other international ambassadors. I use platforms to professionally create networks I can use in different projects, as well as update friends and followers on current affairs, politics, and my day to day life. In my spare time, I host the youtube gameshow ‘Ready Steady Coin’ in a gold jacket, inspired by a particular show aired on national TV…

Why did you apply to join the Childnet Youth Advisory Board?
I applied to join the YAB as I have a passion for youth social action, and this role allows me to feedback the importance of online safety to other organisations I have the pleasure of working with. I also felt that online reliability and safety are things i feel deeply passionate about, especially with the rise of misinformation and AI, and so I joined the panel to help combat those issues.

If you could change one thing about the internet, what would it be and why?
Political illiteracy is at an all time high for those aged under 18, and with important elections coming up, I believe the internet needs to play a greater role in political education. META have just covertly hidden political advertising on their platforms, and I believe this to be a fundamental mistake. Education is the cornerstone to increasing young people’s participation in the democratic process, and the internet is a brilliant tool that will allow us to educate fairly and freely, and we should utilise it more.

What 5 words would you use to describe yourself?
Humorous, ambitious, passionate, BUSY, dedicated