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Childnet and Galop collaborate for a new project supporting LGBT+ young people 

30 May 2023

Childnet and Galop strive to create an internet where everyone is accepted for who they are, regardless of their sexuality or gender identity. 

Being online is a huge part of many of our lives, but this is especially true for LGBT+ young people. Education, entertainment, and connecting with others who share similar experiences are just some of the benefits of being online. However, it’s important to acknowledge that the online space can also present challenges for LGBT+ young people. 

For LGBT+ youth, and those who are questioning their identity, navigating the online world can bring about feelings such as loneliness. With negative opinions, bigotry and misinformation, the online world can sometimes be negative or problematic. 

To raise awareness of these challenges, Childnet is proud to announce our collaboration with Galop, a leading LGBT+ anti-abuse charity, on a  project aiming to address the online issues that matter most to LGBT+ young people.  

By working directly with LGBT+ young people, we have created a series of animated short films, focusing on the topics of online hate, misinformation, sex education, and online grooming.  

These films aim to empower and advocate for the rights of LGBT+ young people in the online world, providing them with the knowledge and tools to navigate the online world safely and confidently. 

Whilst young people will find the short films on TikTok and Instagram (find out more about the topics discussed in them below) you can watch the main campaign video here:  

Combating online hate in the LGBT+ community 

The online world enables individuals to express themselves and share opinions. Unfortunately, emotions can sometimes drive people to post quickly and  carelessly.  

In the film addressing online hate, we delve into the issue of harmful anti-LGBT+ beliefs that can rapidly spread online. We emphasize the importance of fostering respectful online communities and  resisting? hate speech to create a safer online world for all. 

Combatting Misinformation by Thinking Critically

Social media can be a valuable source of information, providing exposure to various opinions and keeping us informed about current events. However, not all that is shared online is accurate or trustworthy.  

In the film discussing misinformation, young people highlight the detrimental impact it can have, particularly on LGBT+ young people. False narratives, hurtful perspectives, and prejudices may make them feel isolated and unable to find reliable information.  We encourage the use of critical thinking and media literacy skills as essential tools to combat misinformation. 

Navigating sex and relationships in the online world 

Navigating sex and relationships can be a difficult part of growing up. However, discussing these topics in schools or at home can sometimes be challenging, even more so for LGBT+ young people.  

The film on sex education sheds light on the importance of inclusive education that recognises and addresses the diverse experiences of LGBT+ individuals.  We aim to create an inclusive environment where all young people can seek guidance and support, ensuring that no question goes unanswered. 

Making positive online connections 

Feeling different  may sometimes lead to feelings of loneliness, but the online world can provide a lifeline for LGBT+ individuals to connect with their community. Building these connections should bring happiness, support, and a sense of safety. However, it’s essential to remember that not everyone online has good intentions. Reaching out to a trusted adult and using the reporting features  available on the platform will help to ensure safety and wellbeing. 

Projecting LGBT+ youth voice 

All the information and insights shared in these videos were gathered through collaborative workshops hosted with LGBT+ young people.  

These workshops provided a safe and inclusive space for young LGBT+ individuals to voice their thoughts, concerns, and experiences regarding online issues that matter to them. We listened to their stories, ideas, and suggestions, ensuring that their voices were at the forefront of this project. 

We are immensely grateful to all the participants who generously shared their experiences, wisdom, and creativity. Their contributions have shaped these videos, making them authentic and representative of the voices and needs of young LGBT+ individuals. 

We believe that by amplifying their voices, we can shed light on the challenges they face and work together to foster a safer and more inclusive online world. 

As Pride Month approaches, why not be an ally and share the video on social media today? 

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